Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rough Night

Although I started my new meds yesterday, I had a very rough night. My hands woke me up several times and I finally just gave up and got up and soaked them. so that is why I am on here blogging it keeps my fingers moving somewhat but still can be painful. I know the doc said the metho could take up two months before getting full relief but I was really hoping the predisone would help until then but so far no luck.Its so funny how life changes with RA simple things become hard things, someone who hates taking meds all of a sudden looks forward to it in prayer that they may receive somewhat of relief. I always say I don't think it would be as hard if I were not so young and a mommy of two small children. I mean I know the pain would be the same, but the mental distress would not be. I mean sometimes I feel like I am letting everyone down, I can't play with my children like I want and can't do things with my husband that I use too. But hoping this is all going to change with the meds. My goal in life is to be the best mother and wife I can be, I want my children to look back on their childhood with a smile full of memories and not a frown full of disappointments!!!

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